Drs. Engen & Pizzini
Call: (509) 326-4445

LANAP Post-Op Instructions


  1. If medication has been prescribed, please take exactly as directed. Antibiotic pills are prescribed. The entire bottle or prescription should be taken for the stated number of days or weeks. 
  2. Try to keep your mouth as clean as possible in order to help the healing process. Only brush and floss the untreated area of your mouth. Do not brush or floss the treated area for 7-10 days or as directed by your doctor.
  3. You may spit, and gently rinse your mouth the day of treatment. Rinse your mouth gently 3 times a day with Peridex or Perioguard. In between Peridex/Perioguard rinses, rinse your mouth gently 3 times a day with warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon of salt dissolved in an 8oz. glass of warm water).
  4. Avoid spicy or excessively hot foods during the initial 3 day liquid diet period.
  5. When eating, do not chew on the side of your mouth which has been treated.
  6. Some oozing of blood may occur and will appear to be greatly exaggerated when it dissolves in saliva. Determine which side is oozing and place pressure on this area. If you cannot locate the origin of the bleeding, rinse your mouth gently with iced water and apply a wet tea bag to the general area.
  7. Swelling may possibly occur. To keep this at a minimum, gently place an ice pack on the outside of the face for 20 minutes-on, 20 minutes-off until you retire for sleep that night. Do not continue using the ice bag beyond the day of the periodontal surgery.
  8. Reduce physical activity for several hours following your surgery to maximize healing.
  9. Do not apply excessive tongue or cheek pressure to the treated area.
  10. Do not be alarmed if one of the following occurs:
    1. Light bleeding
    2. Slight swelling
    3. Some soreness, tenderness, or tooth sensitivity
    4. Medicinal taste, from Peridex or Perioguard
  11. Do not be alarmed with any color changes or appearance of gum tissue following laser therapy. Gum tissue can turn gray, yellow, red, blue, purple and “stringy” and reflects a normal response to laser treatments.
  12. Do not be alarmed that beginning with just 2 weeks after therapy and extending as long as 1 year or more, the teeth may become sore and tender as the bone and ligaments around the teeth regenerate and become more firm. This is a sign of healing, but also indicates the presence of a bite imbalance that may need to be adjusted.
  13.  “Spaces” between your teeth can result from reduction of inflammation, swelling, and the removal of diseased tissue after the LANAP® treatment. These spaces usually fill in over time, and again, bite adjustment is critical to making sure the teeth and the “papilla” is not traumatized and can regrow.
  14. Please call the office so that we may render further treatment if any of the following occurs:
    1. Prolonged or severe pain
    2. Prolonged or excessive bleeding
    3. Considerably elevated or persistent temperature.

Post LANAP® Treatment

Diet Instructions

Day 1-3
Following Laser Therapy, follow only a liquid- like diet to allow healing. Anything that could be put into a blender to drink is ideal. The purpose of this is to protect the clot that is acting as a “band-aid” between the gums and the teeth. Do not drink through a straw, as this creates a vacuum in your mouth that can disturb the “band-aid”. Take daily vitamins.

Day 4-7
Foods with a “mushy” consistency such as those listed below are recommended (see below).

Day 8-30
Soft foods may be allowable. The time to start on soft foods is dependent upon the loss of the white material that appeared around your teeth following LANAP® treatment. You were introduced to this material by your doctor or doctor’s assistant during your follow-up visit immediately following your initial treatment session. It was explained to you that you must leave this material alone until it naturally heals and disappears. Once the white material has disappeared, then soft foods can be introduced. Soft foods have the consistency of pasta, fish, chicken or steamed vegetables. You may then (gradually) add back your regular diet choices.


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Office Location

  • Spokane
  • 9911 N. Nevada #110
  • Spokane, WA
  • 99218
  • Map & Directions
  • Call: (509) 326-4445